Study Participation Information

In this study you will be asked to participate in an interview about your personal experiences with developing your gender identity. This interview will ask about environmental, social, and personal factors influential to your identity development. This study will consist of a single interview conducted over online video-chat. This interview will take between 1-2 hours. An interview guide will be provided to you a week before the interview to help you prepare for the session. This guide will outline the questions I will ask you and the areas that will be explored in the interview. Participation in this study is voluntary. You may withdraw from study participation at any time without any penalty.

Eligible Participants

  • Are over twenty one years old

  • Have a gender identity different from what they were assigned at birth

  • Self identify as Autistic/have Autism

  • Are out, meaning they share their gender identity, with at least one friend or family member, for at least one year.

  • Have access to the internet and a computer to participate in an online video-chat interview

  • Be able to speak and write English